IIABW is renowned for its effectiveness in advocating on behalf of independent agents and brokers in the state legislature and with regulatory agencies. IIABW's lobbyist,
Bill Stauffacher, works with IIABW's Government Affairs Committee to advocate proactively for agents and brokers. We have a dedicated grassroots network who respond quickly to pending legislation
through calls and emails to their elected officials.Recent issues:
On March 28, 2023, IIABW will join with other industry groups on an All Industry Day at the Capitol to educate insurance professionals on the latest legislative and regulatory issues and to lobby legislators on IIABW's legislative priorities. Big I Pac
IIABWs state political action committee, Big I Pac, pools contributions from over member agencies and individuals annually and gives those dollars to elected officials and candidates who advance IIABW core principles on agent-specific, insurance industry and general business issues. Simply put, a PAC contribution is the equivalent of purchasing political insurance. Contributions do not buy solutions to legislative debates, but they do allow the Big I significant 'face time' with very busy elected officials to give us an opportunity to make our case.
Personal AND corporate contributions can be made to the
Big I Pac. Here is a list of last year's contributors,
BigIPAC2019 (2).pdf
Washington D.C.

By joining IIABW, you also become a member of our national association, the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (IIABA). IIABA lobbies the U.S. Congress on behalf of agents and brokers. Agents from IIABW each year meet with our Congressional delegation in Washington D.C. Here are the issues IIABW members discussed with our congressional delegation in April 2023:
InsurPac,, IIABA's political action committee, represents agents' and brokers' views on federal issues and helps elect favorable candidates to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. IIABW annually raises over $15,000 for InsurPac. Here is a list of contributors from last year: